Most pet’s commercial diets are woefully deficient. Attempts to make up for these nutrient deficiencies by adding cheap, “feed grade”, non-bioavailable vitamins and minerals to dog foods or feed supplements don’t come close to filling in the gaps of what modern science has shown is ideal for your pet’s health and well-being. This is where K9 Complete, a multivitamin for dogs comes in.
Signs of poor or improper nutrition for your dog include:
Acting tired or disinterested
Itchy skin / constant scratching
Excessive shedding
Flaky/crusty skin
Yellow stains on the lawn/overly acidic urine
Limping/slow movement/joint pain
Liquid Health K9 Complete 8-in-1 is a multivitamin for dogs specifically designed to provide the most nutrient-dense supplements available to make up for common nutritional deficiencies in your dog’s modern diet. Utilizing the most comprehensive nutrients mother nature can provide, K9 Complete 8-in-1 is designed to supply the most bio-available forms of required nutrients using high quality ingredients.