Mini Thinkers Grain Free Carrot, Turkey & Peanut Butter are small but hearty, meat-packed sticks with added EPA and DHA to support healthy brain function and also supports healthy digestion. Made with real carrots, turkey, and peanut butter, these treats are made with limited ingredients, are naturally preserved and contain no artificial flavors, corn, wheat, or soy. Mini Thinkers offer chewing satisfaction in smaller portions and are size-appropriate for smaller dogs. And we take the extra time to air-dry them in batches in our USA facility instead of baking them in order to retain more of the ingredients’ inherent nutrients (but your dog will just think that they smell and taste amazing). It takes longer, but we think its worth it. Mini Thinkers Grain Free also come in Pumpkin & Turkey, Sweet Potato & Turkey, and Organic Butternut Squash & Turkey.
Ingredients: Carrot, turkey, peanut butter, cranberry, brewers dried yeast, potato protein, calcium alginate (casing), fish oil, salt, mixed tocopherols (preservative), vegetable glycerin, sunflower lecithin, organic apple cider vinegar, citric acid (preservative), rosemary extract